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Please phrase your question more precisely and in a less biased way.

The 2014 budget for Customs and Border Protection (note: this involves a lot more than just "keeping out illegal immigrants") was about 13 billion dollars. Even if that all went directly to "trying to keep out illegal immigrants", how much of it constitutes "waste" is a matter of opinion.

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Q: How much money does the government waste by trying to keep out illegal immigrants?
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because the government thinks they will take our jobs and money

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You shouldn't be trying to fake a disability! It's illegal and morally wrong and you'll eventually get caught and have to pay back all the money you stole from the government.

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People are mainly unhappy with the illegal Immigration because they feel it takes their jobs, money, and over-populates the country. I'm sure there are many other reasons..

Why is illegal immigration okay and illegal drugs not okay?

To refer to illegal immigration as being "okay" is technically an oxymoron. The reason why it is illegal is because it isn't okay, maybe you meant more acceptable and the reason for that is because illegal immigrants perform cheap labor that Americans definitely do not want to do. If it weren't for illegal immigrants, the American capitalist would not be able to get things done for such a cheap cost therefor, cutting into his profits. This is merely my opinion why illegal immigration acceptable. The reason why illegal drugs are not "okay" is because there is no way for the government to control and make money off of them. One really wouldn't see too many people brewing there own beer because its too much work, and not worth the reward. On the other hand if Marijuana were legal everybody would be growing it, and the government again would not be able to control it and too many people would be making money without involving the government. So that's just my wacky opinion i guess i could be totally off.

How Mexican do you have to to get money from united States government?

Appearently you have to be illegal. Screw this economy...