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In Nevada, Minimum 1 year max (4 or 5) years. AND / OR up to $10k

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Q: How much jail time for class c felony with no prior record?
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What is the jail time for Class D felony for theft in Indiana?

A Class D felony in Indiana carries a penalty of 6 months to 3 years in prison. Factors such as prior criminal record and the specific circumstances of the theft can impact the actual sentence imposed.

Maximum jail time in Virginia for a class 5 felony?

What is the maximum jail time and the least jail time someone can get in Virginia for a class 5 and class 6 felony

How much time can you get in jail for a class A felony in ohio?

Without knowing the type of crime, your past record, or the circumstances of your charge it is impossible to answer the question.

What is the jail time for a class d felony in new york?

It depends on the class of the felony and your prior offenses. If you were a clean cut person all your life and then commited a felony your time would most likely be less. But if you have a rap sheet longer then your arm then you might serve some time.

Is there jail time for class 0 felony in Virginia?

ALL Felony offenses have prison time attached to them.

With a clean record no previous offenses of any kind what is usual punishment for theft class d felony in state of Indiana?

Any Felony carries a min of 5 years in jail ... the Judge can reduce the time you have to due ...

Can first offender with class b felony for illegally purchasing Vicodin expect probation as opposed to jail sentence?

There is no guarantee, but first-time offenders with a Class B felony for illegally purchasing Vicodin may have a higher chance of receiving probation than a jail sentence if they have no prior criminal record and show genuine remorse. Factors such as the judge, prosecution, defense arguments, and state laws will influence the sentencing decision. It is essential to work with a skilled defense attorney to present a strong case for probation.

Can you go to jail for Aggravated Dwi per Se-no Prior?

Yes, you can go to jail for an aggravated DWI with no prior record or convictions.

What is a Felony F?

A class F felony is not considered to be a very serious offence. However, this class of felony is punishable by 10 to 41 months in jail or a fine of not more than $25,000. .

How much time can you get for a 3rd degree felony?

A person can get between 6 and 15 years of jail time for a class b drug felony. There is no probation awarded for this class of felony.

What is c felony?

A class C felony is a crime that is punishable with more than 1 year of jail time and fines. The actual jail time will be decided by a judge though.

What is the penalty for a class d felony in the state of Oregon?

Oregon does not recognize a Class D felony; they group crimes in Class A, B, or C only. A Class C felony carries a sentence of up to 5 years and a Class B felony carries a sentence of up to 10 years in prison. Class A is the most serious and carries up to 20 years in prison.