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Normally, each state has a law that gives officers the right to arrest someone if they suspect D.V. Which means that person don't even have to press charges.

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eyewitness reports

affidavits from witnesses

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Q: How much evidence do you need to gather to convict someone of domestic violence?
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Where can someone view domestic violence pictures?

Domestic violence pictures can be found by looking up the term 'Domestic violence pictures' in google images, which has thousands of pictures about the topic. They can also be found at the website photobucket.

Is a domestic disturbance and domestic violence the same thing?

no disturbance is like you disturbing others now domestic violence is when you go and beat someone up or hit someone else

What evidence do you need to convict someone of using a mobile phone while driving?

A Picture Of Him...

Can someone with a domestic violence charge or conviction be a cop?

It is highly unlikely.

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Sufficient probable cause and evidence to place the defendant inside the location which was burglarized.

Is grabbing someone's face domestic violence?

Assault is defined as ANY un-wanted touching. If the person's face you "grabbed" was a familiy member or significant other, then that is Domestic Assault/Violence.

Can you sue someone for making a movie about a domestic violence attack that you were involved in?

If they used you name without consent.

What is the most common domestic violence defense?

The most common domestic violence defense is self-defense. This is when someone hurts another because they were trying to protect themselves. Another defense commonly used is mutual combat.

Can DNA on a cigarette at the scene of a robberey and a persons passed record be enough to convict a person?

No, it's not enough evidence to convict someone. You know that they were there, and you can definitely consider them a suspect, but you can't make a definite conviction.

What is intervention concerning domestic violence?

You have to be careful when intervening in a domestic violence relationship. You cant help someone who doesn't want to be helped and you may even make it worse. You must take all precautions not to anger the perpetrator and make him or her suspicious that you may be trying to intervene. Give the victim the national domestic violence hot-line number: 1-800-650-6522. This will direct them to someone in their area that can help.

Evidence needed to convict of Aggravated Robbery in Texas?

Anything that can legally be admitted that would convince a juror that someone has committed a crime.

Can someone convicted of domestic violence purchase firearms?

Generally, no. For further information, look up the "Lautenberg Amendment."