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Impossible question to answer. Too much depends on the subjects ability to metabolize the alcohol, the contents of the stomach, and the condition of digestive system at the time the "blow" was recorded.

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Q: How much alcohol would it take to make a 170 lb male to blow a .23 on a breathalyzer?
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What cough syrups can make you fail a breathalyzer?

ANY cough medicine that contains alcohol.

What would breathalyzer result be by chewing spearmint gum?

Most of the time it would not make any difference. Breathalyzers measure the amount of alcohol exchanged from your blood and exhaled from your lungs.

How much alcohol would it take to make a 150 lb female to blow a 11 on a breathalyzer?

WHAT!! Are you sure you meant to enter ELEVEN?? At eleven they would be dead of alcohol poisoning!!!AND - if you actually meant to enter point-one-one (.11) it would be difficult to estimate because although the average adult's body can process one ounce of alcohol per hour, everyone's body metabolism is different - and females metabolize alcohol slower than males - so it would be impossible to give an estimate.

Can you blow into a breathalyzer more than once in a row?

The officer can make you blow again if he thinks that you weren't blowing hard enough, or long enough.But if you blow above a .08, you don't get another chance.

Can you blow into a breathalyzer more than once?

Police Officers can make you blow into the device again if they think you weren't blowing hard enough.Probably not if you already blew above a .08 BAC.

If alcohol in mouthwash can make you fail a breathalizer or what about a inhailor from asthma?

Alcohol in mouthwash may cause you to fail a breathalyzer test because the residual alcohol remains in your mouth for up to 15 minutes after using. The breathalyzer will pick up this residual alcohol in your breath and not differentiate whether it came from mouthwash or beverages. You should never take a breathalyzer test within 15 minutes of taking mouthwash or an alcoholic beverage in order to let the residual mouth alcohol dissipate.Mouthwash can cause a positive result on an ETG test. Whether or not an asthma medication could do the same thing would depend on whether it contained alcohol, how often it was used, and when the test was give.

Do they make car breathalyzer?

Yes, they do! A car breathalyzer is one of the last barriers to drunk driving prevention for DUI offenders who want to stay out of jail. A car breathalyzer, also known as an ignition interlock device, (or the Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety) requires drivers to give a breath sample prior to starting their cars. If the breathalyzer detects a certain amount of alcohol, the car simply will not start. But by 2012 or so, in-car breath sniffers could be standard equipment in every new vehicle sold, force-fed to you by the tag team of Washington, Detroit and, Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD).

Can an Iron Deficient anemia make you blow a higher Blood alcohol level?

No your blood alcohol content (bac) is determined by home much alcohol is in you system. How ever anemia can cause you to feel more intoxicated.

Which drugs cause a Breathalyzer false positive readings?

NoAdded: This is an old excuse and breathalyzer operators hear it probably several times a month. It is the amount of alcohol in the exhaled breath the machine measures, not the quality of one's respirations or the contents of the medication. It "affects" it only in the respect that the individual's impaired breathing function MAY make it more difficult to produce a proper 'blow.' But, if you can draw enough breath to sustain life, you can blow strongly enough to give a sample.YESUpdated 8/11/10: By federal mandate, the propellant used in asthma inhalers like Albuterol was changed from CFC propellant to HFA propellant. It should be known that HFA propellants have ethonol in them, and this can effect your breathalizer results if you had recently used your inhaler. For some more reading, check the related link below.

Do people with gastric-bypass surgery blow a higher breathalyzer level?

The volume of the stomach has no direct effect on breath alcohol. It could cause alcohol to enter the bloodstream a bit more rapidly, which could make the initial BAC rise more quickly. However, over a period of an hour or so, there should be no appreciable difference from anyone else, given the same intake.That said, total body mass is a factor. An obese person might actually have a somewhat lower BAC for a given amount of alcohol, since it would be distributed throughout a larger volume of body fluids.The big question: why would anyone whose health is already so compromised want to drink at all, unless they have issues.

Can perfume help you pass a drug test?

No, perfume in no way shape or form will help you pass a drug test. Wearing perfume won't change anything. Also, most perfumes contain alcohol. So if alcohol is part of the drugs being tested for, whether a breathalyzer or blood test, drinking perfume will only make you test positive for alcohol.

Will NyQuil sinex affect a breathilizer?

No it absolutly will NOT affect a breath test, If you want to be sure for yourself you can buy Breathalyzer at Zellers and they are not that expensive. NyQuil absolutely won't make you fail a Breathalyzer.