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Depends on amount, charges State or Federal. Judge has a pretty large range to work with in years of the sentence. Some people get a few years and then Bernie Madoff got 199 years or something like that.

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17y ago

There can be no specific answer, as state laws differ when it pertains to criminal penalties. Other factors would be, the type of theft committed, for example if breaking and entering a building was done to steal the money, if the money were taken from an individual by intimidation and/or force, if there were weapons involved, if any injuries or damages of some sort occurred etc. ; also if the perpetrator had previous arrests and/or convictions and many other like matters. The amount of money is also a factor in determining the penalty.

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in Malaysia how many years of prison is for a laundering money?

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it depends how much money has been taken

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Q: How long is jail time for money laundering?
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Depends on how much money, and how you stole it. Typcial punishments are fines, jail time, community service, probation. For large amounts of money, or money taken by force (robbery) punishment can be years in prison.

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What is the full form of ULIP and AML in life insurance?

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