6-7 years. I think it goes like this: Get your BSN, be registered as an RN, work in Critical Care for at least 1 year, (best for 3,4, or 5 years). Take an exam to enter the CRNA school.
Im still working on it myself, so this is all i could come up with.
if you want more info, just Google.
How Long Does it Takes to Become a CRNA?- To become a CRNA, one must have a four year degree in Nursing and graduate from an accredited school of anesthesia which takes 24 to 28 months, totaling in 6 years and 4 months of schooling.You need a Bachelor's in Nursing and after working in an ER or ICU setting for 1-3 years you can apply to Graduate school to apply for their Anesthesia program which typically takes 2-3 years to finish. After graduating you take a license exam and become certified.
"How many years does it take to become a chemotherapist?"
How many years does it take to become a cytopathologist?
how long does it take to become a gerontologist?
It can take many years to become an overnight success.
It will probably take 7 years to become a music teacher.
How many years does it take to become a genetics if you start from AA degree?
10 years
it will take about 7 to 8 years
It can take anywhere from five to ten years of training to become a full Geisha.
It takes 10 years
5 years