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Q: How many weeks notice do you have to give Homebase before you quit?
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When do you give 2 weeks notice a Job?

This may be a trick question, but . . . You give 2 weeks notice 14 days before your last day at work.

Is it mandatory to give 2 weeks notice before quitting a job in Louisiana?

There is no state law which requires one to give two weeks notice before leaving a job. However, if, when hired for that job, you signed a contract stating you would give at least two weeks notice if you left the position, the company could sue you for breach of contract if you leave without giving two weeks notice. But for most jobs, it's simply a matter of professional courtesy to give at least two weeks notice prior to leaving a job.

Do you have to give two weeks notice?


How much notice do you need to give sainsburys you have worked for them for 15 yrs?

If you have worked at Sainsburys for less than 4 weeks you should give 1 weeks notice. If you have worked for between 12 weeks a 12 months you are required to give 4 weeks notice.

How much notice do you need to give when resigning?

Standard notice (in America at least) is two weeks.

How long notice to give if monthly paid?

The most acceptable type of notice is thought to be two weeks. It doesn't matter if you are paid monthly or weekly, it is courteous to give at least two weeks notice.

When giving notice of your resignation what is the standard length of time to give an employer before leaving?

If you are hourly/weekly paid, then give a weeks notice. An employee in a factory would give this length of notice. An office worker, on a monthly salary, would probably give a month's notice. A lot depends on the terms and conditions of your employment.

How much time to give notice when leaving a job?

Two weeks notice is considered proper.

How much time in advance should I give my two weeks notice?

Probably about two weeks.

If I quit my job at shoprite and don't give two weeks notice will they mail me my check?

You should give two weeks notice. Shoprite will not mail you your checks. Besides you have to sign the back of it yourself for them to cash it

How many weeks notice do i have to give after working?

It depends on your employment contract.

Can i still get a good referral from a previous job if i did not give in two weeks notice?

were they upset about you not giving them a 2 weeks' notice? if so, probably not. it really wasn't professional. :-/