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Only once, it is illegal to be tried for the same thing.

Another View: If the jury rendered a verdict of not guilty in the initial court case, OR the case was Dismissed WITH Prejudice, the defendant can NOT be re-tried.

However, if the case was Nolle Prossed, or Dismissed WITHOUT Prejudice, or the jury in the first trial was deadlocked and/or a mistrial was declared - THEN the defendant MAY be re-tried.

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14y ago

For the same IDENTICAL offense, committed at the SAME time, against the SAME complainant/victim, by the SAME person? Only once. UNLESS - the original charge was dismissed WIHOUT prejudice, then - the same charges can be re-filed.

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A person may only be tried once for a given crime.

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Yes, you can be re-arrested and charged with the same crime. It is only double-jeapordy if you are TRIED twice for the same crime.

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Certainly they might, and they can, and will, be charged with it.

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Yes. As long as you are not charged with same exact crime twice, you may be charged with as many offenses as they can attribute to you.

Cant be tried twice for the same crime is known as?

It referred to as the double jeopardy rule. A person cannot be charged for the same crime for the same actions twice.

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The Constitution of the United States protects a defendant from being charged, or trialed, for the same offence more than once.Or in a simpler way to explain, a person CANNOT be trialed again in the same crime if the person is found innocent the first time.(: Haha :)(: You're welcome!! :)

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Two people can be charged with the same crime. Double Jeopardy refers to charging one person with something, the accused being found not guilty in a trial, then being charged with the same crime again - without any new evidence.

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Double Jeapordy

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No. Not unless you re-offend by doing the same crime. Then you can charged agsin WITH THE NEW CRIME.

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Being charged is not the same as being convicted. A person who has been charged might still be found innocent of the crime of which he or she has been charged. However, if you have been charged and also convicted of aggravated assault, that is a serious crime and it would involve jail time.

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Yes, entering a guilty plea is the same as being convicted of the crime that the person was charged with.

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If you committed the same offense, seperately, in each state, you can be charged with each separate crime. You cannot be tried in IL for a crime committed in IN, and conversely, you cannot be tried in IN for a crime committed in IL.

Can the same person be punished for same crime twice?

You cannot be charged twice for committing the SAME IDENTICAL offense. Which is not to say that you cannot be charged with multiple offenses which you committed during the commission of the same event. OR - if you were once charged and convicted of robbery, if you go out and commit another robbery, it does not mean that you are forever insulated from being charged wtih robbery.