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Short answer: Triple the age of the child. For example: The child is 6 years old. The child would receive 18 swats.

Long answer:

If you tell the child to clean their room for the 1st time, you should tell them HOW to clean their room. For example: Please, put the crayons and the toy cars in the bucket. Make your bed. If they do not comply, then swat them triple their age.

(I would not recommend swatting a child who is under 2 and 1/2 years. )

I would use an implement, like a paddle. Hands are for loving. Children might flinch when you touch them; They think they are going to be hit.

Do NOT try and smack a child that is running away from you. DO NOT give extra swats when they run away. That is a child's natural instinct.

Instead, grab them, drop down to their level and tell them why they are getting a smacking. Put the child over your knee then smack them triple their age, or until they stop struggling.

If a child stops struggling I would stop the smacking even if you are not done giving triple # of swats.

Tell them you love them.

Now tell them to go clean their room, apologize, or etc.

If they do not comply, now give them a smacking again.

Remember: Make expectations appropriate for the child's age. You could not tell a six year old to clean their room everyday and do all their homework without needing to be told or asked.

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In my opinion, if you spank your child, no more than three spanks at one time should be used. In addition, you should be calm and talk to the child about the reasons for giving the spanking and ways to avoid it in the future. If you have to spank over and over again in the course of a day, that probably signals that that form of discipline is not working.

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