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Q: How many sick days can you use before you need a doctors note?
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Doctors need to be brave because there are many lives that rest in their hands and its their job to save them.

If you do abs workout how many days rest do you need before you do it again?

Every other day.

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My doctors told me that the shot was effective immediately, but I waited a few days before getting rid of all other methods of protection.

Will there be a big demand for doctors in the future?

Yes, because in the future new things will be invented right?...Doctors need to have at LEAST 50 patients in 4 days. AND THAT IS A DEMAND. A BIG ONE!

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Doctors need microscopes because they need to discover new diseses. Doctors need microscopes because they need to discover new diseses.

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If you do chest workout how many days rest do you need before you do it again?

You need to wait at least 48 hours before working chest again, the longer you rest the lower the risk of overtraining

How many days before your missed period do you need tot take a pregnancy test?

You shouldn't start worrying until after you miss your period.

What is the future outlook doctor?

Doctors are not going anywhere; we are going to need them for many years to come. Some doctors are getting frustrated with insurance companies.

Why does doctors ask you to take the whole load of antibioctics?

If you stop taking it before the whole "load" is eaten you can get immune to them. Antibiotics usually take 3-4 days to make you feel better but they need more then that to beat w/e it is that made you sick.

How many paid days for funeral leave?

if you are the deceased, no pay, but you take as many days as you need.