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It is currently unknown how many actual serial killers originate from Alaska. It is also difficult to say how many fugitive murderers have avoided justice by moving to Alaska from somewhere else in the United States.

One well-known serial killer from Alaska was Robert C. Hansen or Bob "The Butcher" Baker, who was convicted of killing 4 women and sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. 11 recovered bodies are known to be Hansen's work but police speculate the death toll could be up to 30 or more.

Originally from Iowa, Hansen moved to Alaska as an adult. Despite prior arrests for theft and rape, Hansen managed to live under the radar for a decade as a quiet, respectable member of the community. He owned a bakery in Anchorage, Alaska (hence the name) and was an avid hunter, outdoorsman and pilot.

After sending his family on vacation, Hansen worked his 'Summer projects' by prowling the streets of Anchorage for prostitutes and strippers. After coercing one into his vehicle, he would kidnap her, bring her to his Anchorage home, rape her repeatedly, fly her out to his remote cabin on Knik River and release her into the woods. He would then hunt her down like an animal with his .223 caliber rifle.

In 1983, Hansen's luck ran out when 17-year-old Cindy Paulson managed to escape from the hangar before being flown out. Though her claims were largely ignored at first, they began taking her seriously after the discovery of the body of Jane Doe, 'Eklutna Annie'.

Police raided Hansen's home and discovered the murder weapon and a whole loot of paraphernalia connecting him to the murders. In 1984, Hansen confessed to 4 murders out of a plea bargain and even assisted police in finding other bodies. It is unknown to this day exactly how many women Hansen has killed.

There is no capital punishment in Alaska so Hansen is currently spending the rest of his years in the Seward, Alaska penitentiary.

- R. Shortman

Wasilla, Alaska

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According to data compiled by the FBI there have been a total of 22 serial killers in the state of Alabama.

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