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12 members slected randomly out of a box with their names in. It starts as a larger number in court but only 12 names are selected for the trial

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Q: How many people sit on the jury in an English trial?
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How many people serve on a trial jury?

i heard there is no limit.

How many people were at Louis riels trial?

There were eight members on the jury at Louis Riel's trial.

How many people usually make up a jury in a criminal trial?


How many people make up a jury?

There are 12 people on a Jury ** There are also six man (person) jury too. And Scotland uses 15 jurors in criminal trials.The number of people on a jury depends on the jurisdiction and type of trial.

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How ;many alternate jurors in a criminal trial?

Who has taken away your rights to trial by a jury in many cases?

you yourself

How many are on a jury?

IN England and Wales the number of jurors in a criminal trial is 12.

How many jury can make you not guilty?

Unless there is a mistrial or a new trial is ordered after a conviction is appealed, there is only one trial per defendant per set of charges. An acquittal (finding of "not guilty") cannot be appealed. This is the same whether the trial is heard by a judge (a bench trial) or a jury.

How long did the Jodi Arias trial deliberate?

The jury has deliberated for many house in the Jodi Arias trial. However, the jury still has many more hours to deliberate for the whole case. Currently they are deciding if Jodi's was cruel without a doubt.

What a jury?

courta trail------the Constitution provides for a trial "with a jury of your peers". Different states have different ways of selecting the jury pool (the larger group that the final jury is chosen from). Some use voter registration, some add in drivers licenses in order to include as many people as possible in the potential pool.In "trial juries" the counsel for each party has the right to challange the jurors who they think might not be impartial.

How many members of jury in a criminal trial in the superior court are there?

This depends on the state in Georgia there are 12.

What are three examples of rights people have that are not listed?

Citizens of the United States have many rights. They have the right to a trial by jury, the right to free speech, and the right to vote in elections.