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He began as impulsive killer rather than planned killer when he killed his grandmother. He was diagnosed as having paranoid schizophrenia and was also found to have a near-genius IQ. He scored 136. He stood at 6 feet 9 inches. He was released from prison in 1969 for killing his grandmother and had his juvenile records expunged.

1972 and 1973 he committed the serial killings. He would pick girls hitchhiking taking them to isolated rural areas and killing them. He would stab, shoot or smother the victims and afterwards take them back to his apartment where he would have sex with their decapitated heads and bodies and then dissect them. He totaled ten victims.

He was given the whole 8 counts of homicide and he wanted the death sentence. No can't do, this is California, so he received the life penalty.

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Q: How many people did Ed Kemper kill?
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Ed Kemper goes by Co-ed Killer.

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Ed Kemper's birth name is Edmund Emil Kemper III.

When was Ed Kemper born?

Ed Kemper was born on December 18, 1948, in Burbank, California, USA.

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Kemper, whose killing included his own grandparents, was known as the Co-Ed Murderer or the Co-Ed Killer.

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He was a serial killer. I posted the wikipedia article on Ed Kemper in the related links box below.

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If you mean physical size than one of the biggest would be Edmund Kemper who measures about 6'6" in his socks. After serving several years in a youth facility for the murder of his grandparents, Kemper was released. Kemper picked up where he left off as a youth, killing co-ed's around the Santa Cruz area of Northern California. Before his capture he killed his mother and decapitated her. He remains in prison in California today.

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