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Criminal experts predict that 1 serial killer will have 20 victims on average. Those 20 victims have numerous relatives, friends, coworkers, ect. So with the 'ripple effect' that's a lot of people. One victim's death can effect hundreds of lives. Then multiply that by the number of serial killers (could be up to 100 at any given time) in just the USA alone. The total is astounding.

This kind of killer is a huge drain on society. To catch this type of killer is expensive. The man hours , mostly overtime, can send small community law enforcement into the red. If the killer is not caught within a short period of time, a task force is usually set up to organize the evidence and keep everyone on the same page, information wise. There is expensive DNA and other forensic testing that must be done.

So the effects are far-reaching and expensive.

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The number of serial killers active in the U.S. is a difficult if not impossible number to determine and law enforcement agencies just don't gather that kind of information. But that is the number of serial killers who are active. As you know, serial killers work on strangers and homicide trends in stranger to stranger murders or where the relationship between the killer and victim is unknown do provide some evidence that suggests an increase in serial murder.

For example, In 1999 15,533 criminal homicides were reported nationally to the FBI for a rate of 5.7 per 100,000 population. How many of them are serial? How about that maybe 7 persons in the statistic was killed by a serial killer. Now you get the idea that no one can say the exact number. Not all serial killings could be connected to the same person.

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