The answer to this question varies by state and time.
With regard to Missouri, its Supreme Court, which has 6 judges and 1 Chief Justice, consists of 3 women and 4 men. The current Chief Justice is Chief Justice Laura Denvir Stith.
What are federal judges appointed for?
There are sixteen judges on the US Court of Federal Claims. They serve 15-year terms of office.(16)
There are many types of judges, including federal judges, state judges, appellate judges, trial court judges, administrative law judges, and magistrate judges. Each type may have specific jurisdiction and responsibilities depending on the court system in which they preside.
Not in the US. Federal judges are appointed. not elected.
The Senate has no check on the appointments of federal judges.
For federal judges, the answer is Congress. Federal judges can be impeached by the House of Representatives and tried by the Senate.
federal judges
The Judicial Branch of Government appoints Federal judges.
No, while federal judges hold their appointments during "good behavior", state judges do not necessarily have that luxury. Some state judges are elected.