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Q: How many executions did blood mary do?
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Why did Mary you order mass executions of Protestants when she assumed the throne in 1553?

Mainly, Mary I of England wanted to restore the throne and the country of England to Roman Catholicism. Because of this, she considered being a Protestant a crime and ordered mass executions.

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Texas had 24 executions in 2009.

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There were 173 executions in the US between 1970 and 1979.

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Why did Mary not get the nickname bloody Mary?

Because she killed so many people she got the nickname bloody mary

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Approximately how many known executions have been carried out in the United States under civil authority since 1608

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How many executions where held in 2009?

There were 52 in the United States.

Mary the firsts birthday?

Mary I, reigned as the Queen of England and Ireland from July 19, 1553 until her death on November 17, 1558. Her executions of people of Protestant faith is what earned her the nickname 'Bloody Mary.'

Why was it unfair to call Mary bloody Mary?

Mary I of England is referred to as "Bloody Mary" because if the number of executions which took place during her reign. However, it can be argued that this is an unfair title because her father (Henry VIII) and her sister (Elizabeth) who succeed Mary, also sanctioned the execution of people who were considered traitors.

When did bloody Mary kill the protestants?

blood blood blood