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how many prisoners are serving life sentences in the state of North Carolina

how many prisoners are serving life sentences in the state of North Carolina

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Q: How many convicted murderers in jail?
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How many convicted murderers are there in the US?

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, there were approximately 159,000 convicted murderers serving time in state prisons in the US as of 2018. This number may vary over time due to new convictions and releases.

Does the murderers in jail ever kill anyone there?

Yes, it does happen.

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A place where people convicted of crimes are sent?

For those convicted of misdemeanors - jail. For those convicted of felonies - prison.

Do murderers deserve a second chance?

No they don't. They go to jail for atleast 30 years or so.

Why did makhaya go to jail?

He was accused and convicted of rape.

Is convicted murderer Edward Post in jail?


If you are convicted of criminal facilitation of burglary will you face jail time?

If you are convicted of ANY CRIME, you could face jail time. Whether you will go to jail depends on other factors than just the commission of that crime.

Can a person who was convicted of a felony 20-years ago leave the United States?

Yes! You can leave the USA at any point (obviously unless you're in jail), no matter when you were convicted of the felony, or how many felonies you have been convicted of.

Do old people go to jail?

any and every person convicted of a crime can go to jail ...

Is jail mean?

is jain mean? no i dont believe a jail is mean. however the people inside the jail are murderers and rapists. i'd say they are what you need to worry more about cuz they will rape and shank you.

How do you use convicted in a complete sentence?

The criminal was convicted of robbery and sentenced to prison for ten years.