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in 2008 about 60% of eligible voters did

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Q: How many canadians voted in the last election?
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48000 people voted in the last election in the town of Southboro If only 55 of the registered voters voted in the last election how many people are registered to vote?

I assume you mean that 55 percent of the registered voters voted. That being the case, and using x = 100 percent, then .55x = 48000; divide both sides by .55 and the number of registered voters is approximately 87273.

How many people voted in the 2011 federal election?


How many people voted in 1849 president election?

There was no presidential election in 1849. Presidential elections were held in 1848 and again in 1852. Roughly 2.8 million people voted in the 1848 election.

Why were more people able to vote during the Election of 1828?

Three times as many people voted in the election of 1828 as has voted in 1824

How many people voted for the election In new zealand in 2011?

aprox. 72.5% of registered voters in NZ voted in 2011.

How many people voted for BNP in the 2010 election?

Roughly 1 million

How many people voted in 2012?

55% of people voted in the 2011 state election.

How do canadians view close economic ties between Canada and the US?

Negatively. Confederation was in part the result of American trade practices. Canadians did not want reciprocity with the USA. They voted on the issue again in 1911 and again voted against closer ties with the USA. The last vote on the topic occurred in 1988 and again the majority of Canadians voted against closer economic ties with the USA. Those wishes were ignored and Canada was taken into the Free Trade Agreement and into Global trade agreements they have not voted for. Many Canadians want an independent Canada and that is not possible when they do not have the freedom to control their own trade, business and exports or the ability to defend their land militarily. There are also cultural concerns as the USA sees culture as an export product.

How many registered voters in Texas actually voted in presidential election?

About 8,087,000 votes were cast in Texas in the 2008 presidential election.

How many people from South Carolina voted in the 2008 Presidential election?

The 2008 presidential

How many more people voted in 2008 than 1996?

Around 27 million more people voted in the 2008 election compared to 1996.