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Not many. I recently got a DUI, I had three Busch Lights from 10 p.m. until 1:15, was arrested for DUI, and my BAC was .112

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Q: How many beers can one drink before it is illegal to drive?
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How old do you have to be to drink and drive?

It is illegal to drink and drive at any age.

Is it illegal to drink and drive in California?


Is drinking and driving illegal in Mexico?

Yes, it is always illegal to drive while intoxicated, no matter where you are. However, it is rarely illegal to drink and drive unless impaired.

How many beers can a 170 lb. man drink before being considered drunk?

one an hour, should a person drink 2, per hour he would be considered slightly intoxicated.(buzz) this is too much if he /she decides to drive a car.

If you were 5'11 150 pounds and had 3 or 4 beers would you fail the breathalyzer test?

Don't drink and drive. Then you won't have that problem.

How much beer can you drink and still be legal to drive?

Disclaimer: It is never safe to drink and drive, answer provided for entertainment purposes only. Depends on your jurisdiction and weight but a male in excess of 175 lbs can drink 3 beers in an hour (and no more than 1 beer every hour thereafter) and still be legal in Ontario.The amount of beer one can drink and still be legal to drive is when someone's blood alcohol reaches .08. Outside of this number there is no EXACT number of beers someone can drink because some people can constantly drink before feeling any effects and others get tipsy after only one beer.

Can you sue a drunk driver if you sustained no injuries?

yes, because it is illegal to drink and drive

How long does beer take to leave blood?

a glass of 0.33 liter beer will take an hour to get out of your system, calculate 1.5 hrs to be on the safe side. So you can drink 3 beers, wait 4.5 hours and drive safely home. (if the last one was finished 1.5 hours before you get up to leave....) a glass of 0.33 liter beer will take an hour to get out of your system, calculate 1.5 hrs to be on the safe side. So you can drink 3 beers, wait 4.5 hours and drive safely home. (if the last one was finished 1.5 hours before you get up to leave....)

Can scuba diving affect driving after words if you have 2 beers?

scuba diving? no (see the previous answer that YOU submitted a few minutes ago) having 2 beers? yes you seem pretty concerned with YOUR ability to drive. why not just get a friend to drive when you go SCUBA diving? when the diving is over, drink until you pass out and have your friend take you home.

When did drink driving first become problematic and when was it that it first became illegal to drink-drive?

Driving while intoxicated became a problem after the first cars were sold.

Can you drink and drive a boat?

No, in the USA as far as I know it would be the same as drinking and driving an automobile or bicycle. ILLEGAL!

Where is it legal to drink and drive?

well mostly everywhere dumb a$$ u cant drink and drive r u nuts u can kill ur self or someone else i hope u drink and drive maybe u will die test it out i hope youll be dead :D