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Q: How many Mexican clowns can you fit in a car?
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Same answer as how many clowns fit in a clown car

How many clowns can fit in a Volkswagen Beetle?

Depends on the size and enthusiasm of the clowns involved.

How many clowns are in the world?

It depends on the sizes of the clowns and the size of the clown car. Depending on the car size, from 4 to 8 actual occupants were squeezed into the car. However, a backdrop, chute, or other ploy would be used to allow more to enter (relatively unseen) from the rear, giving the illusion that a dozen, two dozen, or more, were originally inside the car.

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clowns! clowns! clowns!

How many people can fit in a piper cub?

two usually, but if your all clowns, you can fit approx. 8 people

How many clowns can fit in a jeep?

No one really knows. Classic circus routines regularly employed the "clown car" routine, where clowns were able to enter the vehicle from the rear as others exited, making an improbably long string of two dozen or more.

How do clowns fit in the small cars?

They experiment with who can fit where and how, then they practice a lot.

How many people can fit in one Saturn v?

are the people clowns? if so 24 and a half. normal folk 5

How many cars can fit in a car park?

About 5000 cars can fit into an average car park. If you have lickle cars, you can fit more in, you,Tard!

How many people can fit in a car at once?

50 people are able to fit a car at once with out being in pain

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it depends on the car

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as many as there are seat