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At least one day? i like you At least one day? i like you At least one day? i like you At least one day? i like you At least one day? i like you

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Q: How long will you wait to divorce your husband from the day of marriage?
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Related questions

How long after you divorce you have to wait to get married in Iowa?

In Iowa, there is no waiting time to be remarried after a divorce. There is a three day waiting period after the purchase of a marriage license.

How long after divorce in KY do you have to wait to get remarried?

There is no waiting period in KY. You can obtain marriage license right away.

In the UK how long is the wait before a divorce can take place if the spouse refuses to sign the divorce petition?

how long is the wait before a divorce take place if the spouse refuses to sign the divorce petition

By law how long is the wait for getting married after you get a divorce in Georgia?

There is no legal requirement, except that you must wait for the paperwork to be processed. It typically takes a few weeks from the issuance of a final decree of divorce until everything can be processed so that a new marriage license can be issued.While legal, it is probably not advisable to remarry so close to a divorce. --Note, the lower is triggered by your numerous companion questions about how long a person should wait between divorce and remarriage.

Can you get married in US if you're already married in Italy and just waiting for divorce papers to come?

Nope. You have to wait for that divorce to be final. Marriage is marriage from any country to any country.

How long you have to wait to get divorce?

you shouldn't get a divorce, go watch the movie "fireproof"

How long can a divorce woman wait to remarry?

the very second the divorce is final

How long does a divorce take in Ohio?

There isn't one. You can go and apply for a marriage license when you walk out with the final divorce decree. Yes there is a grace period. i just got divorced today and we went to get a marriage license and they told us we had to wait 2 weeks because the judge could change his mind.

Outline of attudies to divorce in Islam?

In Islam divorce is not forbidden. However, it is only permissible as the last option if there is no other way in which the marriage can be saved as the prophet peace be upon him said ' the most detestable of all things permitted is divorce."when a man is to have a divorce 'talaq' he is to wait three months 'idaa period' to assure that his wife is not pregnant and to try to save the marriage. the women is to stay in the husband house but in different rooms unless she wishes to leave.

How long do I have to wait after my divorce in Michigan to marry my boyfriend in Germany?

As soon as your divorce is though you can get married to your bf. If you have to wait for your divorce, you should start learning a little German :-)

How long do one have to wait to remarry if divorce from your ex which just got their legal green card?

Friends, The Spouse must wait clear 90 days after the decree for DIVORCE is passed by the appropriate Court of law for second marriage/remarriage. Thanks Bimal Kumar Mukherjee, Kolkata (India)

How long do you have to wait to remarry after a divorce in New York?

Once you obtain a certified copy of the final Judgment of Divorce issued by the Supreme Court of the State of New York, you are legally free to get married immediately. There is NO WAITING PERIOD.