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It is on your record forever, unless you get a court order to expunge the crime from your record.

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Q: How long will a conviction for 'possession of marijuana' stay on your record if you were not jailed but were fined and required to serve three days of community service in Michigan?
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How long does a MIP of alcohol stay on record in Michigan?

A conviction of minor in possession in Michigan is a criminal conviction and stays on a person's record forever in Michigan. The only way it won't is if there is a successful motion to set aside the conviction.

Are there court cost when you get a marijuana possession charge in Michigan?

depends on how much you had, if it was under an ounce then you will most likely get a misdemeanor charge and somewhere around a 100 dollar fine.

In what states is marijuana legal?

Not a single one. States can only decriminalize it, meaning they opt not to prosecute for marijuana use or possession within a defined set of circumstances. Washington and Colorado are the states which have decriminalized it for recreational use.

Is marijuana legal in Indiana?

No. The only place I have heard of it being legal other than for medication is Amsterdam. Medical marijuana is legal in California, Colorado, Arizona, Michigan, and eleven other states in Arerica.

Is possession of drug paraphernalia with drug residue considered drug possession in Michigan?

No, It's possession of a narcotic paraphernalia

What happens if you get caught in Michigan on school property with weed which is a prescription drug here now?

It is not a "prescription drug", but a drug that can be used by patients with certain debiltating physical conditions. You are fooling yourself if you think that a minor is going to convince any doctor, let alone a judge, that his or her use/possession of marijuana was for medical purposes. In the end, a person in possession of marijuana on school property goes to jail.

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Do you have to be a resident of Michigan to have a commendation for medical marijuana?

if you are looking to attain a card in Michigan, yes.

When was Mid Michigan Community College created?

Mid Michigan Community College was created in 1965.

Where is marijuana legal medically?

I live in Michigan. and it is legal here!

How do you restore civil gun rights after a domestic violence conviction in michigan?

Start by hiring an attorney that is a member of the Michigan Bar.

What community college is the oldest in Michigan?

The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor