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Many people would keep a deceased person's records for at least 10 years. Many people keep these records for longer than that.

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how long to keep deceased medical records

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Q: How long to keep deceased medical records in Georgia?
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Your husband is in the army what about your medical records?

Keep a copy of ALL of the serviceman's medical records.

Do all states keep medical records the same amount of time?

all states are required to keep medical records for at least 7 years. Most medical records are kept longer in case they get sued.

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I keep track of my medical records and everyone else should as well...

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How long a person keeps tax records for a deceased person will vary depending on the circumstances. Use your best judgment. It is recommended that a live person keeps their records for 5 to 7 years.

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Most hospitals in this modern age do keep electronic medical records along with paper medical records. Electronic copies are needed for efficiency and backup.

How long are medical facilities required to keep medical records In North Carolina?

for 5 years

Can hospice keep your dead husbands medical records from the wife?

This is somewhat complicated, but you, as the wife, usually have a right for the hospice doctor to review the medical records with you.

How long should obstetric medical records kept in doctors offices?

It's certainly easier to keep medical records on-site for active patients. There are no regulations, however, about where medical records must be kept as long as they are secure.

How long do physicans keep medical records in Kentucky?


How long do Florida doctors have to keep medical records?

7 years

How long do medical insurance companies keep records?

10 years

Who was the first nationality to keep accurate medical records?

Ancient Egyptians