Keep a copy of ALL of the serviceman's medical records.
all states are required to keep medical records for at least 7 years. Most medical records are kept longer in case they get sued.
I keep track of my medical records and everyone else should as well...
How long a person keeps tax records for a deceased person will vary depending on the circumstances. Use your best judgment. It is recommended that a live person keeps their records for 5 to 7 years.
Most hospitals in this modern age do keep electronic medical records along with paper medical records. Electronic copies are needed for efficiency and backup.
for 5 years
This is somewhat complicated, but you, as the wife, usually have a right for the hospice doctor to review the medical records with you.
It's certainly easier to keep medical records on-site for active patients. There are no regulations, however, about where medical records must be kept as long as they are secure.
7 years
10 years
Ancient Egyptians