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A court date can not be set until a Complaint is filed. In federal court the Answer (defendant's response) must be filed within 20 days of receiving the complaint according to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. This time will vary depending on the state for state court. If the answer is not filed within the specified time, a default judgment will be rendered, meaning all statements in the Complaint are assumed true.

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Q: How long proir to a court date must you serve someone?
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You could be. WHO told you they were trying to serve you? If it can be proven that you were "dodging" the service of the subpoena you could be charged.

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No, if you are the party who is being sued the plaintiff must serve you with notice. Generally, with small claims court actions you will be notified by the court of the time and date of the hearing.

Herbele julio court day?

If you need to find out a court date, than you need to contact the agency or district in which the offense or event occurred. Actually speak to someone and get a definite answer. Missing a court date could lead to contempt of court or other charges.

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You have to be served in most states, be careful some private processors lie and say they serve you and then you'll never know, receive a court date, don't show and get a default judgment on you.

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No, not until acquitted.

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You should contact the court or child support enforcement agency and request a date change.

If someone is sentenced to five years probation and absconds for more than 2 years does the time they were given end on the said date of court records or do they extend sentencing?

They violated probation. They could be sent to jail to serve out the remainder of the sentence, including the two years they were gone.

Don't the courts have to serve you with a subpoena several days before the court date?

Please??? tell me if I have 2 go to court on Tuesday after being served with a subpoeana on Friday, late???? Please???????? help me????????????? Thanking U ALL in advance!!!!

What if you are in the hospital when court date is set?

Well, obviously you aren't going to be able to make it. So just explain the circumstances to the person you were going to date, and hopefully they will understand. However, i believe you meant a court order date. You will need to notify the court, and later provide documentation of your stay. Tell someone at the hospital. They have all kinds of experts, some of them legal.

What happens in a violation of probation when they cant find your probation officer?

They will keep looking and schedule a later Court date. Someone from the probation office will cover the case. The Court will not just forget.

What happens if court date is set but you can't locate defendant to serve legal notice?

You should check in to alternate service methods. Many courts will allow service by posting or publication. Your court clerk or private attorney can advise you best.