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Q: How long must I store personal property before disposal in Minnesota?
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Can a cable company lay cable on someones personal property?

A cable company can lay cable on someone's personal property but with the consent of the property owner. Some people will ask for some compensation before allowing this to happen.

I want to give my house to my 2 daughters before I die but not allow them possession until after I die?

You need to make a Will, clearly stating the disposal of your property. As the house is a valuable property, I would suggest using a solicitor in making out your Will.

Where to find commercial property's for rent in Rochester, Minnesota?

There are many places available for leasing in the Rochester, Minnesota area. I would start talking with a realtor in order to make sure that a video rental business would do well in a certain commercial property area before you jump into a lease.

If there is no money in the estate of deceased family member who is responsible for the credit card debt of the deceased?

If there is no cash in the estate, other personal property OR real property, the estate is said to be insolvent and the creditors are out of luck. However, the sole debts of the decedent must be paid from any property, real or personal, before that property can be distributed to the heirs.

Is a stove considered personal property?

It depends 0n the circumstances. A kitchen stove that can be disconnected easily and moved would be considered personal property. However, a permanently built in kitchen stove or a permanently installed wood stove would be considered part of the real property. You should check before you remove it.

Can you survey land and move the fence in Minnesota?

Yes, land surveyors in Minnesota can assist in surveying land and relocating fences to ensure they are positioned correctly according to property boundaries and regulations. It is important to hire a licensed and experienced surveyor to accurately determine property lines and obtain necessary permits before moving any fences.

What renters insurance usually covers?

your personal property, loss of use of your apartment and your personal liability. the policy has conditions - generally you need a "covered cause of loss" for coverage on your personal property - some causes of loss are fire, theft, expolsion, etc. they are listed on your policy or your agent can provide you a copy of the policy before purchase.

Is personnal property left in a house I bought mine?

It is important to thoroughly inspect the property before purchase to ensure it is delivered vacant of personal property unless specified in the contract. If personal property was left behind, you may need to negotiate with the seller or seek legal advice to determine ownership rights. It is recommended to have a clear agreement in the purchase contract regarding the condition of personal property.

What do they do at a Medical Waste Disposal plant?

Medical waste contains some infected material. A Medical Waste Disposal plant sterilizes medical waste before disposal to the normal city dump.

Can you run the dishwasher if the garbage disposal is not connected?

The disposal has to be in place so that the drain on the dishwasher is connected. If you do not have a disposal or are removing it, there is a extension tube for the drain that has the dishwasher tube in it. The disposal does not have to work for the dishwasher to drain. The water is run through the disposal so that any food particles get ground before going in the drain. After a while, the disposal will begin to smell if it is not run.

What are Chattel slaves?

Chattel slaves are individuals treated as property with no rights or freedoms of their own. They can be bought, sold, and inherited as part of personal property. This system of slavery was prevalent in the United States before the Civil War, where slaves were considered legal property of their owners.

Cremation how long are the ashes kept before disposal?

30 minutes