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The time period does not depend on whether the husband is abusive or not. Call or visit your local family court. Timelines vary in different jurisdictions.

The time period does not depend on whether the husband is abusive or not. Call or visit your local family court. Timelines vary in different jurisdictions.

The time period does not depend on whether the husband is abusive or not. Call or visit your local family court. Timelines vary in different jurisdictions.

The time period does not depend on whether the husband is abusive or not. Call or visit your local family court. Timelines vary in different jurisdictions.

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The time period does not depend on whether the husband is abusive or not. Call or visit your local family court. Timelines vary in different jurisdictions.

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Q: How long it takes to get divorce from a abusive husband?
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It will not take long, if you have a valid reason.

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Call your local family court and enquire about the time table for divorce cases.

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call the cops, he'll be gone a long time

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What is the best age for your children if you want to divorce their emotionally abusive father?

AnswerNo matter what age children are it is hard for them when their parents divorce. Even if they are 50 years old. But if you and your husband are already thinking of getting a divorce then things must be pretty tough right now. Just be sure that when you do decide to get a divorce just let them know that it is not their fault.AnswerAny age is appropriate, as long as you get out of there as soon as you possibly can.A bit more:If your husband is emotionally abusive to the kids or to you, you need to get out now. To remain in a marriage and subject the children to any form of abuse will cause far, far more damage to them from coming from a broken home. Actually, in this particular situation, I would consider it a "broken home" - I would consider it mending their home life.Growing up with an abusive parent (verbally, emotionally, physically,etc.) can cause children many problems, both while young and after they are grown. It can result in them having very poor self-esteem, deep seated anger and resentment, etc., and it can also result in them possibly being emotionally abusive to their own children one day.So please, for yourself and your children, leave your husband now. The longer you stay, the more damage he can cause to all of you.

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The amount of time a divorce takes to be finalized would depend on the specific state and their rules and regulations when it comes to divorce.

Can ex husband take wife's inheritance in divorce?

It depends on where you are. If you're in the US, the answer is generally no. A husband has no right to his wife's inheritance as long as she keeps it separate from marital property.