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It varies from person to person and depends if there are children, properties or a substantial amount of money involved. In British Columbia, Canada, once you have been separated from your spouse for 7 years you can request a divorce document (as long as you have not had anything to do with your ex.) You can also have your lawyer push for the divorce. If you have a lawyer it sounds as if he/she is not doing their job well. If you don't have a lawyer I suggest you get one. I tried getting a divorce the easy way from my ex, but he was doing the same thing your husband is doing (just being nasty) and I had to get a lawyer and even at that it took me 2 years to get that divorce.

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19y ago
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13y ago

If your spouse refuses to sign the agreement that you have proposed, he/she may propose an alternate agreement, or may refuse. If the two of you cannot reach an agreement on your own, you may have to attend court ordered mediation.

If you still cannot reach an agreement, you will have a trial. You will have to wait for the court to set a trial date. Depending on the area, how busy they are, and any state waiting periods, you may get a trial date anywhere from 3 months to 3 years after initially filing.

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16y ago

Forever !! Gotta have both signatures, one would think, otherwise either party could just divorce their mates willy-nilly at any time.

An old saying comes to mind ... You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink.

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15y ago

This answer depends on the state that you are located in. Most states have some waiting period between when the divorce is filed and when it will be finalized. For example, in California there is a 6-month waiting period, Florida has a 20 day waiting period, Texas has a 60 day waiting period, and New York has a 30 day waiting period. It also depends on porperty settelments that could make divorce last a little longer.

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13y ago

That depends on the practices in your particular jurisdiction. You should visit the court and speak with a clerk who could review your situation with you and provide a general, ballpark estimate of the time involved with your type of case.

That depends on the practices in your particular jurisdiction. You should visit the court and speak with a clerk who could review your situation with you and provide a general, ballpark estimate of the time involved with your type of case.

That depends on the practices in your particular jurisdiction. You should visit the court and speak with a clerk who could review your situation with you and provide a general, ballpark estimate of the time involved with your type of case.

That depends on the practices in your particular jurisdiction. You should visit the court and speak with a clerk who could review your situation with you and provide a general, ballpark estimate of the time involved with your type of case.

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13y ago

That depends on the practices in your particular jurisdiction. You should visit the court and speak with a clerk who could review your situation with you and provide a general, ballpark estimate of the time involved with your type of case.

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16y ago

You must be legally separated for one year,then you won't need his signature.

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14y ago

Judge decides when degree is final, not your spouse.

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14y ago

You would need to schedule a court hearing and then the judge would grant the divorce providing you can prove all your items in the bill of complaint.

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Yes, you can refuse to sign divorce papers. The court will decide when and how the divorce is decided and closed.

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simply put. YES simply put. YES

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You can serve a spouse with separation papers which they have no recourse not to accept. You can also serve them with divorce papers. They can refuse to sign, but eventually a judge may grant the divorce anyway.

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You need to consult with a local attorney to get the details you need on what to do next, but rest assured, you can get a divorce whether the other party wishes it or not.

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I believe you can file for divorce and put a time limit on the signing of the papers and if that isn't done within the time then you can have a judge grant you a divorce. I think you also have to place and ad in the paper stating that you have filed for this type of divorce to make the notice public. Get your phone book out and call a few attorneys in the book, even there secretaries can answer this question for you for what statutes are in your state. Look for ones that will give you free consultations. I don't think they have the right to refuse, no one can force you to stay married to them.

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If most states, you do not need to prove "fault" to get a divorce or legal separation. She can hire an attorney and proceed however she deems fit.AnswerShe has every right to proceed with the divorce. She does not have to have your permission to get a divorce. AnswerShe does not need your signature. If you refuse to sign to acknowledge that you received the petition/complaint, she will have you served. If you refuse to sign a settlement agreement, she will ask for a trial date and have the judge decide how to divide your property and to declare you divorced.

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If you cannot be found or if you refuse to respond to a petition for divorce, that cannot prevent your spouse from obtaining a divorce. The important signature on a divorce decree is that of the judge. You should contact the court where the divorce was obtained and order a copy of the divorce decree. If you go in person, you can request to see the file and review the contents.

Can you refuse to be divorced?

Yes, you can, but if one person wants a divorce, it can be made to happen. The refusal of one person to be divorced will not stop the process, as the other party and the court will proceed and the divorce will be granted.

Are you legally able to refuse to be served divorce papers in Michigan?

You can refuse to be served. Refusing to accept divorce documents will not stop a divorce. Your spouse can get a divorce whether you cooperate or not. It may take a little longer. If you continue to ignore the proceeding your spouse can eventually obtain a divorce in your absence and your interests will not be represented.You can refuse to be served. Refusing to accept divorce documents will not stop a divorce. Your spouse can get a divorce whether you cooperate or not. It may take a little longer. If you continue to ignore the proceeding your spouse can eventually obtain a divorce in your absence and your interests will not be represented.You can refuse to be served. Refusing to accept divorce documents will not stop a divorce. Your spouse can get a divorce whether you cooperate or not. It may take a little longer. If you continue to ignore the proceeding your spouse can eventually obtain a divorce in your absence and your interests will not be represented.You can refuse to be served. Refusing to accept divorce documents will not stop a divorce. Your spouse can get a divorce whether you cooperate or not. It may take a little longer. If you continue to ignore the proceeding your spouse can eventually obtain a divorce in your absence and your interests will not be represented.

Can a spouse refuse to sign divorce papers in Iowa?

File a motion of default in the court where the original divorce petition was filed. The spouse will be notified of the action. If the spouse fails to respond, the divorce will be granted and he or she will forfeit the right to oppose the terms contained in the original petition.

Refuse to respond to a divorce petition in Florida?

You can still get a divorce when your spouse refuses or cannot be found to sign the papers. Within a few weeks the served spouse must answer whether he or she agrees with the complaint. By default in many states, a failure to answer the complaint is viewed as an agreement to its terms.