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Q: How long is life with parole in Tennessee?
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How long does a presciption last for a narcotic for a person that is on parole in Tennessee?

It takes approximately one year for a prescription last for a narcotic for a person that is on parole in Tennessee.

How long is a life sentence with out parole in Montana?

Life without parole in Montana is natural life.

How long is a life sentence in Georgia?

In Georgia if you are sentenced to life in prison without parole, you will be in there until you die. If you have the option for parole, you could get out as soon as 7 years has been served.

How long is life in prison in Michigan?

15 to 25 years with parole.

How long is a life sentence in Massachusetts?

In Massachusetts, a life sentence typically means a minimum of 15 years served before becoming eligible for parole. However, parole is not guaranteed and release is ultimately determined by the parole board.

What is life sentence with parole in mo how long is it?

best case out in 10 yrs

In Virginia how long is a life sentence?

A life sentence is usually about 25 years.This may differ with each state. Many life sentences have to go in front of a parole board that board then decides if the life sentencee can be released. Life sentence without parole can be your entire life.

If you get life without the possibility of parole do you still go before the parole board?

No, life without the possibility of parole means just that, there is no chance of parole

How long 1 life sentence?

A life sentence typically means the individual will spend the rest of their life in prison with no possibility of parole.

How many years constitutes a life sentence in Tennessee what is the least amount of time to be served?

There are so many variables in the sentencing rulings that it would be hard to determine the actual length of a sentence. Life can be given as a term(25 years) minimum with or without parole,,,or 25 years to Life,,,meaning that the convicted would have to spend a minimum of 25 years before they MAY become eligible for parole. Try Google'ing " Life Sentences in Tennessee " for more complete information.

How long does a parole have a curfew?

Parole curfews last for the length of the parole or until it is lifted by the Parole Officer.

How long is a life sentence in the state of Tennessee?

51 years