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New Mexico is not one of the parts of the U.S. which recognize common-law marriage. Common law marriages are recognized within Alabama, New Hampshire, Colorado, Ohio, Washington D.C., Oklahoma, Georgia, Pennsylvania, Idaho, Rhode Island, Iowa, South Carolina, Kansas, Texas, Montana, and Utah. The terms for recognizing a common law marriage will probably vary by state.

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Common law marriage in New Mexico?

New Mexico does not recognize common law marriage.

Does New Mexico recognize common law marriage?

New Mexico does not recognize common law marriage.

How long do it take to get Arizona to New Mexico?

They share a common border.

Does the state democratic party platform for New Mexico include marriage equality?

The state democratic party platform for New Mexico does include marriage equality.

Does the state republican party platform for New Mexico include marriage equality?

No. Even though same-sex marriage is legal in New Mexico, the state Republican Party platform of New Mexico calls for preventing government from applying the word "marriage" to same-sex couples.

Is a marriage performed in Mexico recognized in NYS?

Yes. Both New York and Mexico recognize marriages performed in other jurisdictions as long as the marriage was legal in the jurisdiction where it was performed. Also, same-sex marriages performed in Mexico City beginning March 4, 2010 are recognized as valid in New York State.

What are some major obstacles to the legalization of same-sex marriage in New Mexico?

There are no further obstacles to the legalization of same-sex marriage in New Mexico, as of December 19, 2013.

Is a marriage license from Las Vegas Nevada good in New Mexico?

No, you need the license from the location of the ceremony. You will have to apply in New Mexico.

What foods are common in new mexico?

flan is the most popular food in new mexico

Why roadrunner chosen as New Mexico bird?

because it is a common bird to live in new mexico

What is the mileage between Mexico and New Mexico?

They share a common border.

How far apart are New Mexico and Mexico?

They share a common border.