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I believe around 5 years minimum
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Q: How long is a prison sentence for kidnap and robbery in England?
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What is sentence for second degree robbery in Connecticut?

Second degree robbery is a Class C Felony in Connecticut. It is punishable by one to ten years in prison, a $10,000 fine, or both.

Why did he get put in prison?

He was put in prison for committing a robbery.

What is the penalty for bank robbery in mass?

A person could receive up to 7 years in prison if they commit a bank robbery in Pennsylvania. If a person is injured during the bank robbery they could send more time in prison.

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Is it an offense in the United Kingdom to kidnap someone and put them in a gimp suit?

Of course it is ! Detaining anyone against their will is kidnapping - and carries a heavy prison sentence !

Convict used as a noun in a sentence?

The convict was sentenced to ten years in prison for robbery.

What is the laws on robbery in Indiana?

This can be determined by the type of robbery. Armed robbery can get you up to 20 years in prison. If the robbery resulted in any type of bodily harm, you could face up to 50 years in prison.

What sentence is commonly handed down for armed robbery conviction?

Armed Robbery is a felony - depending on the laws of your state - at the very least more than one year in prison. ------------------------------, It depends on where you live and what the specific laws are for armed robbery. Some places have life in prison and others may have more than 20 years, but less than 80.

Is it cool to abduct senior citizens?

Abduct means kidnap. It is not cool to kidnap ANYONE. It will get you put in prison the rest of your life.

What is the minimum sentence for bank robbery in Vermont?

Vermont statutes have no bearing on your crime. Bank robbery is a Federal Offense, and you will be tried in a US District Court, not a state court, and (if convicted) you will serve your time in a federal prison.

What crimes would get you 15 years in prison for?

something like armed robbery with intent to harm.. although whatever sentence you get, your time in jail is halved.

How do you use convicted in a complete sentence?

The criminal was convicted of robbery and sentenced to prison for ten years.