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It was approved in 1789. 2016-1789=

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Q: How long has the Constitution been aruond?
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How long has the US Constitution been in place?

223 as of 2011

How long has the four year term for president been in effective?

As long as the US constitution.

How does the constitution protect the rights of childrenwomenminorities and weaker sections in long essys?

No constitution has ever been written to protect any group in long essys

How do the earth go aruond the sun?

magical pinapple

What does the name Kalin mean?

awsome person to be aruond

How long has the US Constitution been in force?

over 200 years

Dating aruond the age of 10 to 14? perfectly fine

What does he constitution do?

The constitution describes how the government will be organized and provides specific lists of things the government may and may not do. The beauty of the Constitution of the United States has been its brevity. Constitutions of other countries have been too long and have become confusing and have been ignored.

How do you know if he wants you in the future?

sing to him and fool aruond with him alot tease him

Gingerly in a sentence?

gingerly, the cat peered aruond the corner into the study.

How long has Puerto Rico been a commonwealth of the US?

Since the 1952 Constitution was established.