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As long as it takes for you to draft a new deed and record it.

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Q: How long does it take to have a name added to the deed to your house?
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Can you get half the equity in your house if your name is not on the deed?

No. If your name is not on the deed then you have no ownership and thus no equity.No. If your name is not on the deed then you have no ownership and thus no equity.No. If your name is not on the deed then you have no ownership and thus no equity.No. If your name is not on the deed then you have no ownership and thus no equity.

What if your name is on the deed but no will?

If your name is on the deed then you own the property as long as the deed is valid and properly recorded in the land records.

Can the husband rent the house if he has the mortgage in just his name if they both share the deed of trust?

Yes, the husband can rent the house if he has the Mortgage in his name but the Deed of Trust is shared.

Are you liable if you are getting a divorce and your house is facing foreclosure but your name is not on the deed?

Getting a devorce and house is facing forclosure but my name is not on deed. Am I liable.

We have added our daughter to our Deed to our Home, by a QUIT CLAIM DEED. She is given the rite of survivorship& her name shows on the tax rolls. Would this have to go through Probate ?

Yes as the house could still be claim to pay any debts you have.

If i have not purchase a home in the last five years but my name was added with a quit claim deed on my brothers house am i consider a first time buyer if i buy a house?

No. Not if you purchased a home five years ago.

Can a house be foreclosed on if one name is on the mortgage and someone else s name is on the deed to the land or parcel?

That depends on whose name was on the deed when the mortgage was executed.

If your name is the only name on a deed to your house will you get to keep your house in the divorce?

Not if the division of property requires it to be sold and split.

Can your mom buy a house for you if you filed bankruptcy?

Yes. But the deed and mortgage would have to be in her name. It would not be your property.Yes. But the deed and mortgage would have to be in her name. It would not be your property.Yes. But the deed and mortgage would have to be in her name. It would not be your property.Yes. But the deed and mortgage would have to be in her name. It would not be your property.

Can my husband add my name to the deed of his house without the bank's consent?


Do you have ownership rights to the house if you are listed on the deed but not on the mortgage?

Yes, but if your name was added to a deed after the owner granted the mortgage your interest is subject to the mortgage. If the mortgage isn't paid the lender will take possession by foreclosure and your interest will be wiped out.If the mortgage is paid and the house is sold you will receive half of the proceeds at the time of sale.

Does it matter whose name is first on the deed to a house?

The order in which owners are listed on a deed does not affect the rights or responsibilities of the owners.