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depends on extent of evidence and related factors

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Q: How long does it take for judge to rule on custody?
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How long does it take to get a temporary custody hearing?

As soon as the motion is signed by the judge, as little as an hour

Can a judge grant custody to your ex because you cheated on him?

A judge will award custody based on which parent is morally, financially, medically and psychologically fit to be the better parent. The judge will take all evidence into account before making that decision. If you cheated - that doesn't necessarily rule you out of the process. On the other hand, the judge may see you cheating as morally wrong.

How many times will it take for a parent not to show up in court for an abandonment custody hearing for the parent to lose custody?

That is up to the judge.

How can my mother-in-law get custody of my children?

you can sign the custody over to her or she could go to a judge and try to prove you unfit to take care of them and prove her having custody in their best interest

Will the judge grant split custody if both parents live in the same school district as the child?

The judge can grant split custody of both parents live in the same school district as the child. However, the judge will take many things into consideration before he rules. An attorney can answer any questions you have about custody issues.

Can a mother get custody of her child if the father has done drugs in the past?

Not necessarily. It depends on many factors which the judge will take into consideration before making a custody order.

Can a parent file for full custody because of difference of opinion?

The parent can petition for custody or can take the matter before a judge who will hear testimony and the issue a ruling.

How do you file on or go about switching custody when the child is 14 years old?

If the current custodial parent is not willing to relinquish (or take), custody, then you have to retain an attorney and have it taken before a judge.

Will a judge take custody away from the custodial parent if they can not financially support their child?

No, that alone is not a reason to terminate custody. The non-custodial parent should be paying child support.

What age does a child have rights in a custody battle in Nebraska?

Rights as far as which parent to choose to live with? That would be at age 18, the age of majority in Nebraska. However the child is always free to make their wishes known to the judge, either in court when custody is being decided, by requesting a meeting with the judge, writing a letter to the judge expressing their wishes, or engaging an attorney or guardian ad litem to speak for them. The judge will take into consideration the wishes of the child, and generally, the older the child, the more weight is given to those wishes. Ultimately, however, the judge will rule depending on what he or she feels would be in the best interests of the child.

How can I get my babys back from there father that is illegal in the US He filed for emergency temporary custody?

There will be a hearing. Show up. The judge will take it from there.

Can an officer take a person in custody without a custody order?

CUSTODY or make an arrest? What do you mean by custody? If he is picking somebody up it requires a judges order (warrant), and for a judge to sign a warrant, the police have to provide the judge with probable cause. An officer can make take someone into custody if a probation officer reports a probation violation or if the officer witnesses the person committing the crime. If an office doesn't follow proper procedure, has to answer to the court as to why he did what he did. There are checks and balances that help prevent violations of these rules, in most cases.