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If it was NEVER used then it was never a trademark and lapsed immediately. If if was used and then no longer used, then the amount of time to find it has lapsed may depend upon how long it would take for the consumers to forget who originally owned it.

As for a US federal trademark registration, the registration will automatically lapse after six years unless a statement of use (and fees) is timely submitted, or after ten years if not renewed. The fact that a registration has lapsed does NOT mean the trademark has lapsed, as the owner of a trademark may have proprietary rights that transcend those provided by registration.

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Q: How long does it take for a trademark to lapse if not used?
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Yes; as long as it is a mark used in trade, it can be registered.

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Hi,Trademark is the legal term which is used to represent the company or product. Before registering a Trademark, you should search the availability of the Trademark in | Trademark Search Online to well ensure the availability.This is a free service.Hope this helps.

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The Unicode for the Trademark Symbol is a symbol used to make the assumption that the previous mark is a trademark (a trademark is a recognizable sign of a particular company).

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Rather than trademark a business, you would trademark its marks used in trade: name, logo, slogan, etc.

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Trademark. The trademark law prevents companies from stealing a product name. The Trademark Symbol -- > ™

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There really isn't one: trademark is a very specific word covering marks used in trade.