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There is no specific time limit. It can take decades to resolve an estate.

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10mo ago

In Virginia, there is no specific time frame set by law for an executor to sell a house and distribute funds to heirs. However, it is generally expected that this process should be completed within a reasonable time, which can vary depending on the complexity of the estate and any potential legal challenges. Executors should act with diligence and handle the process in a timely manner.

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Q: How long does an executor have to sell a house and distribute funds to heirs in Virginia?
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The executor of a probated will should distribute the proceeds of the will after it is settled in probate court. Some states have laws in place that state a certain time limit for the funds to be issued to heirs.

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It is probable that there will be different laws relating to this in different countries so you really need the services/advice of a lawyer (attorney). However, basically it is the executor's (the person named in the will to execute the will) job to settle the estate's debts and distribute the remainder of the estate to the heirs as set out in the will. If there has been an overpayment or mistake made by the executor then the executor would possibly be personally liable to correct the mistake (especially if the executor was a professional). Recovering funds once they have been paid out would not be a likely course of action.

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If the period during which creditors can make a claim has passed, generally, the heirs can submit a motion to the court to compel the appointed executor to make distribution. The executor has a legal obligation to perform all their duties in a timely manner. If the executor isn't doing that then complain to the court or to the attorney who is handling the estate.

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First, remember that the executor must be appointed by the court. A person named in a will is not the executor until the will has been reviewed by the court and the court has appointed the executor. If an executor is not carrying out their duties the heirs should complain to the court immediately and ask that the executor be replaced.

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He must distribute the proceeds as soon as possible after all the debts of the estate have been paid. If he does not act with expediency the heirs can file a complaint and seek a court order,

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The executor is obligated to pay all of the debts of the decedent. The creditors get paid before any funds or property are distributed to the heirs.

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The same as all other heirs. They are entitled to their distribution per the will or the state intestacy laws. The executor is required to inventory, value, resolve all debts and distribute the wealth.

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The executor has the Letter of Authority to conduct the sale. No one else has to be involved.

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The heirs have the ability to nominate an executor. If the court agrees, they will issue the letter of authority.

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