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A conviction for shoplifting will remain on the Police National Computer (PNC) until the subject has reached at least 100 years of age. The conviction will show on a basic level criminal record check until it is spent and will show on Standard and Enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) checks until it is eligible for filtering.

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Q: How long does a shoplifting criminal conviction stay on your record in the UK?
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Criminal records are permanent.

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If the offense occurred after you turned 18 it will be a permanent part of your criminal history record.

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1 year

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Unless it was commited prior to your 18th birthday an adult criminal record stay with you for life, it doesn't "go away" with time.

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Until your 18th birthday, and then your juvenile reocrd is sealed to the public.

How long will shoplifting be kept on your criminal record in the UK?

If it was after September 2004, then it will last forever as it is classed as a "recordable offence".

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A DUI conviction or any felony conviction becomes a permanent part of the convicted person's criminal record.

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As far as i know, forever and ever.

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A conviction of minor in possession in Michigan is a criminal conviction and stays on a person's record forever in Michigan. The only way it won't is if there is a successful motion to set aside the conviction.

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Every criminal conviction stays on your record until it is removed. Most crimes, except the most serious felonies, can be removed by having them expunged.

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A Federal Conviction stays on your record forever, but if the conviction is over 15 years old, it can't be used against you in a future proceeding to determine criminal history. Larry Levine Owner

How long does A DUIOWI conviction stays on your record?

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