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There is no set length of time but you MUST have successfully completed the full term of your sentence before you can petition the court for expungement.

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A felony charge should not be a concern. If you were convicted it will always be on your record. It is a deterrent to committing crimes.

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Q: How long does a felony charge stay on record in kansas?
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How long does felony charge stay on your record in Tx?

Forever. Any charge/conviction will never fall of a record.

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How long does a felony charge stay on your record in NY?

A felony conviction will remain on your 'record' indefinetly, until you have it expunged via Court order.

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till their 18

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A felony stays on your record for life. You could apply to the court to have it expunged.

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Forever. A felony doesn't go away, ever.

How long does a felony charge stay on your record in the state of Colorado and how can it be removed from your record?

A felony charge/conviction stays on your criminal record forever. Petition the court to have your record "expunged" and it should be accompanied by good reason(s) that it should be granted. After consideration, it may or may not be granted.

How long does a felony charge stay on your record in Arkansas?

It's usually part of a permanent record. You would have to apply to the courts or government to have the record removed.

How long does a felony charge stay on your record in the state of New Mexico?

Felony charges ANYWHERE never go away unless they are legally "expunged."

In Michigan how long will a charge of forgery remain on your record?

Felony convictions are a permanent part of the convicted person's record. The SOL applicable for a felony charge of forgery (the person is not brought to trial and convicted) is 6 years from the time the person was originally charged.

How long does a felony charge stay on your record in Georgia?

Having your record expunged or obtaining a pardon is the only way to officially remove a felony from your record. Otherwise, the felony will be on your record permanently.

How long does a Louisiana felony stay on your record?

A felony cannot be expunged from your record in Louisiana.