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CRB checks were replaced by DBS checks in 2012. DBS checks will show your entire criminal record (spent and unspent) unless that information is eligible for filtering.

Any offence on the list of offences that will never be filtered will show for life.

On enhanced DBS checks, the police may include any intelligence they hold about you if they think it may be relevant to a recruitment decision.

Cautions not on the list of offences that will never be filtered will stop showing 6 years after they were issued (2 years if you were under 18 when caution).

Convictions not on the list of offences that will never be filtered will stop showing 11 years after they were issued (5.5 years if you were under 18 when caution) but ONLY if:

  • You only have one conviction offence, and
  • You did not receive a custodial sentence
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9y ago

CRB checks were replaced by DBS checks in 2012.

The age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales is 10, so offenses omitted before the age of 10 will not show up but offenses committed after that will always show up unless they become eligible for filtering.

Cautions (including reprimands and final warnings) given to persons under 18 will become eligible for filtering after 2 years provided the offense is not on the prescribed 'list of offenses that will never be filtered from a DBS certificate.'

Convictions given to a person under 18 will become eligible for filtering after 5.5 years provided:

  • The offense is not on the prescribed 'list of offenses that will never be filtered from a DBS certificate', and
  • the individual only has one conviction offense, and
  • the conviction did not result in a custodial sentence.
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9y ago

Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) Checks were replaced by Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Checks in 2012. DBS checks typically take two to four weeks however there is no upper time limit and some unlucky applications will take much longer.

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9y ago

DBS check replaced CRB checks in 2012.

  • If the applicant has more than one conviction offence, all convictions will show up for life.
  • If the conviction resulted in a custodial sentence (whether or not served), it will show up for life.
  • If the conviction offence is on the prescribed list of offences that will never be filtered from a DBS check, it will show for life.
If the individual only has one conviction offence, it did not result in a custodial sentence and it is not on the above list, it will stop showing up after 11 years have passed since the date of conviction (5.5 years if the individual was under 18 when convicted). If the individual receives another conviction after this, it will show again but this time will never be removed.
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9y ago

CRB checks were replaced by DBS checks in 2012. Convictions that resulted in a custodial sentence (whether or not served) will show up on a DBS check forever.

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15y ago

In the U.S. -- unless the offense was committed prior to your 18th birthday your adult criminal history will always be available - they do not 'go away' as time passes.

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CRB checks were replaced by DBS checks in 2012. Once 6 years have passed (or 2 if you were under 18 at time of caution), a caution will stop showing up on a DBS check unless the offence is on the 'DBS list of offences that will never be filtered from a criminal record check' (available on the DBS website).

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A theft offense typically remains on your criminal record for a period of time, usually seven years for a standard or basic Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check. After this time frame, it is generally considered spent and does not need to be disclosed for most purposes.

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A police caution can show on a standard/enhanced DBS check, depending on the nature of the caution and how long ago it was issued. It will generally be disclosed for 6 years after the date of the caution.

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Extremely unlikely. A thorough criminal history background check by even the most cursory means will reveal the information.

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A police caution will typically show on a Basic DBS check for 6 years after the caution was issued. For a Standard or Enhanced DBS check, the caution will be revealed until it is eligible for filtering, which is usually after 6 years for adults and 2 years for young offenders.

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There is no time limit on how far back a background check can go in Arkansas. Any criminal conviction can be looked at no matter how long ago it was.

How far back does a CRB check go?

A basic Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) check typically goes back for the last 5 years, while a standard or enhanced DBS check can go back further depending on the job role and level of check required. It's important to note that the specific details of what is revealed can vary depending on the type of check being carried out.