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The Sixteenth Amendment (Amendment XVI) to the United States Constitution allows the Congress to levy an income tax without apportioning it among the states or basing it on Census results.

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Q: How long did it take the states to ratify the income tax amendment?
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Which were the lasttwo states to ratify?

The last two states to ratify the 18th amendment were CT (may 6, 1919) and NJ (March 9, 1922). The latter date was long after Prohibition was imposed (January of 1920).

Why do you think several states took so long to ratify the nineteenth amendment?

Because they wanted the Bill of Rights to be added because most were small states and wanted to know their rights.

How long before a constitution can be revised?

That depends on the legislation of the country or organisation.Most have provision for revision. The US Constitution uses Amendments for revising and updating their Constitution.Added: There is no timeline stipulation for an Amendment to the US Constitution. Once the proposed amendment is ratified by the required number of states it automatically beomes a Constitutional Amendment. The trick and the time consuming part of the process is achieving the necessary number of states to actually ratify it.

Who decides how long the ratification process for a proposes amendment will take?

Congress. They have to allow an unspecified "reasonable amount of time" for the states to consider new Amendments to the Constitution and decide whether to ratify the proposal. A typical deadline is seven years.

How can changes be made to the Constitution?

First of all, a two thirds majority of each house of Congress must propose the amendment. Then, a three fourths majority of the states must ratify the amendment.

Why does Abraham Lincoln claim that southerners have nothing to worry about concerning his election?

Lincoln was not an abolitionist. He believed the US Constitution allowed slavery. It would be a long time before 3/4 of the states could ratify an amendment to outlaw it and some means could no doubt be worked out to end it voluntarily before that would happen.

Why did it take so long to ratify the articles of confederation?

Maryland held out ratifying due to border disputes with neighboring states.

What us an amendment?

An amendment to the United States constitution is a change or update to the original text to better fit the current state of the union. Amendments were designed to keep the Constitution relevant long after it was originally written.

True or false congress can collect taxs on income as long as the taxs are the same for everyone in all states?


How is it that the constitution has lasted this long with only 27 admendments?

The process to add an amendment is complicated. It takes states approval as well as 2/3 of congress.

Can congress collect taxes on an income as long as the taxes are the same for everyone in all states?

Yes, Congress sets tax levels on the federal level affecting all states.

Can congress collect taxes on income as long as the taxes are the same for everyone in all states?

Yes and they do it's called Federal Taxes.