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(in the US) If you have already been convicted, found guilty, and sentenced - the evidence against you was more convincing than your defense that you did not commit it, and you will serve the term of your sentence. If you are newly arrested, you will be held in jail until your trial - at which time you will have the opportunity to refute the state's evidence against you.

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Q: How long can a state legally hold you in detention on a crime you did not commit?
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Does guilty mean yes?

No. Guilty means that the state has declared that you did commit a crime and are legally responsible for it.

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If you are on probation for a felony and commit the same crime it is a felony. If you are on probation for a misdemeanor and commit the same crime it usually will be a misdemeanor. The exception is in some States a third misdemeanor offense for the same crime can be prosecuted as a felony. For example Stealing 3rd Offense or third offense for driving while revoked. This differs from state to state.

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IF you are a police officer - otherwise, why the need?because of the crime rate in this state, the shootings in washington state are picking up and there is a need to protect yourself and to protect your family.

Someone charged with a crime who flees to another state must be returned by the state he or she has gone to if?

the governor of the original state formally/legally requests it.

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if you commit a crime and go to another state, you cant be tried there. however, you can be arrested and extradited back to the state where you commited the crime. if you commit a crime and go to another state, you cant be tried there. however, you can be arrested and extradited back to the state where you commited the crime.

Citizens who commit a crime in one State and then flee to another State to escape prosecution are to be?

extraditionAdded: They are known as Fugitives From Justice, and they can be extradited, if the state in which they committed the offense wishes to do so.