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The means of due process are applied by providing a person charged with a crime with a timely court proceeding. This was intended to prevent an individual from sitting in jail for extensive periods of time without having the opportunity to speak on their behalf concerning their charges.

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12y ago

Due process requires that a person be treated with fairness under the law. It requires that the person be given notice in advance of a hearing, the right to counsel, the right to question and cross-examine witnesses, the right to refuse to incriminate oneself and the right to have the charges proven beyond a reasonable doubt.

Due process requires a fair and impartial trial.

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procedural due process focuses on the fairness of the legal process itself in ensuring individual rights are protected, while substantive due process addresses the actual content or substance of the laws being applied and their impact on individual liberties.

What does procedaral due process mean?

Procedural due process is a right that is granted to every American citizen. This is the ability of every citizen to be given a fair and just trial for crimes they are accused of.

What are the kinds of due process?

The two categories of due process are substantive due process and procedural due process. Substantive due process relates to liberty interests protected by the Constitution; procedural due process ensures legal proceedings are conducted in a fair and consistent manner.For more information, see Related Questions, below.

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