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Each state sets guidelines for the amount to be paid by the non custodial parent for the care of his or her minor children. The percentageis based upon the total income/assets of the non custodial parent andthe number of eligible children.

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11y ago
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11y ago

In the United States every state has child support guidelines that use a formula to arrive at the amount the non-custodial parent must pay. The formula factors in the income of both parents, who provides health insurance, the age and number of the children, etc. You can check the guidelines in your state by performing an online search using your state name + child support guidelines.

In the United States every state has child support guidelines that use a formula to arrive at the amount the non-custodial parent must pay. The formula factors in the income of both parents, who provides health insurance, the age and number of the children, etc. You can check the guidelines in your state by performing an online search using your state name + child support guidelines.

In the United States every state has child support guidelines that use a formula to arrive at the amount the non-custodial parent must pay. The formula factors in the income of both parents, who provides health insurance, the age and number of the children, etc. You can check the guidelines in your state by performing an online search using your state name + child support guidelines.

In the United States every state has child support guidelines that use a formula to arrive at the amount the non-custodial parent must pay. The formula factors in the income of both parents, who provides health insurance, the age and number of the children, etc. You can check the guidelines in your state by performing an online search using your state name + child support guidelines.

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11y ago

In the United States every state has child support guidelines that use a formula to arrive at the amount the non-custodial parent must pay. The formula factors in the income of both parents, who provides health insurance, the age and number of the children, etc. You can check the guidelines in your state by performing an online search using your state name + child support guidelines.

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13y ago

usuall the amount of income how many children the child's age and needs. things like that

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What does without regards to any condition such as child support mean?

It means that, in whatever is being decided, the fact of child support being paid or received, or in what amount, will not be counted in the decision. Whatever it is will be decided as if no child support was involved in the case.

In the state of MD if you have child support awarded and now the father has decided he wants all rights terminated to the children is he still held liable for the child support?

Not for continuing support, only for arrears.

Can a child attending college receive child support in Florida?

It's possible - this is usually decided when the order is first entered.

Does a parent have to pay child support for a 17 year old who does not go to school?

Because your child has decided to approach life defferently, does not exclude you from paying child support.

How does the court calculate child support when father is wealthy?

Child support is usually based on a state-decided formula and they use the same formula regardless of the income level of the parents.

Can child support come from inheritance in Florida?

Child support can be taken from any and all available income sources, to include inheritance.

What legal right do have if the mother is receiving child support for a child that is not in her care?

If you are the father, file for custody. As for the child support, until custody is decided, request the payment be sent to whomever has the child, plus that the mother be ordered to pay. see links below

In the state of NJ can you terminate your own parental rights?

You can't terminate your obligation to support your child. That type of order must be decided by a court and only when the child is being legally adopted such that another parent will be responsible for the support of the child.

Can child support be stopped if the child is under 18 but no longer going to school or living with the custodial parent?

That depends on the child support order. In most places, child support continues until the child reaches the age of majority. Some may require continued payments through the college years if they attend.

In Kentucky can ex wife increase child support if she voluntarily quit work and is going to school?

The amount of child support is decided by the court. The only way it could be upped is if there is an agreement with the court for viable reasons.

How long can a parent be a student and not have to contribute income to the child support calculations State of CO?

That decided on a case by case basis.

How is child support decided how long does it continue?

In general, support is 20% of net income for one child, 25% for two, etc. Support usually continues until the child has reached the age of majority or is emancipated (these terms are defined by the State); however, the court may order support to continue until completion of high school or college (assuming the child continues to attend).SEE LINKS BELOW