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You should calculate one point four percent of the value of the estate that is to be executed to pay the fees of the estate executioner where the estate is calculated after your demise and ammounts to whatever the estate is worth at the time of your death and not decided upon before you die and the executor will then be paid one point four percent of that ammount Fees for an estate administrator will vary according to the particular state's laws. Since I don't know which state this is in, I cannot accurately answer it. However, in New Jersey executors and administrators receive the following percentages based on the value of the gross estate: 5% of the first $200,000. 3.5% on the excess over $200,000 up to $1,000.000. 2% on the excess over $1,000,000. In addition to this, they are entitled to 6% of the gross income that is earned by estate while it is being administered. And of course they are entitled to be reimbursed for legitimate expenses, including legal fees. Other states will probably have different formulas. This is for informational purposes only and not intended to be given as legal advice.

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Estimate three point ninetynine percent of the value of your gross estate for your executors fee.

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Can the administrator of an estate sue the estate?

You would need to provide an example of an issue the administrator would have with the "estate". The administrator of an estate is the person appointed by the court to represent the estate. They are paid from the estate for performing their duties. Their fee comes out of the assets before any assets are distributed and they have the authority to pay their own fee out of the estate.Any lawsuits against an estate must be served on its administrator. It is difficult to think of an example where the administrator would do something at odds with their own interest in the estate.You would need to provide an example of an issue the administrator would have with the "estate". The administrator of an estate is the person appointed by the court to represent the estate. They are paid from the estate for performing their duties. Their fee comes out of the assets before any assets are distributed and they have the authority to pay their own fee out of the estate.Any lawsuits against an estate must be served on its administrator. It is difficult to think of an example where the administrator would do something at odds with their own interest in the estate.You would need to provide an example of an issue the administrator would have with the "estate". The administrator of an estate is the person appointed by the court to represent the estate. They are paid from the estate for performing their duties. Their fee comes out of the assets before any assets are distributed and they have the authority to pay their own fee out of the estate.Any lawsuits against an estate must be served on its administrator. It is difficult to think of an example where the administrator would do something at odds with their own interest in the estate.You would need to provide an example of an issue the administrator would have with the "estate". The administrator of an estate is the person appointed by the court to represent the estate. They are paid from the estate for performing their duties. Their fee comes out of the assets before any assets are distributed and they have the authority to pay their own fee out of the estate.Any lawsuits against an estate must be served on its administrator. It is difficult to think of an example where the administrator would do something at odds with their own interest in the estate.

Can an administrator of a deceased estate charge a fee?

Certainly, and the fee is typically set or limited by the laws of the jurisdiction.

Who determins the administrator fee of an estate in NJ?

The maximum is established by law. The executor determines the fee and gets it approved by the court.

Does an independent administrator who is paid a fee for an estate have to pay taxes on that fee?

Taxable gross income includes professional fees paid to you.

If the son is the aministrator of the estate does the spouse still have rights to the stocks and bonds?

The administrator of an estate simply takes care of the details. When there is an administrator, he decides how the estate will be divided. The spouse has no rights to the stocks and bonds. The spouse has rights to a percent of the estate as determined by the law, will, or probate judge. The administrator can decide to give the spouse only stocks, only bonds, or only cash. The administrator can sell everything and divide the money. That is the way it works.

Co-administrator of estate?

The co-administrator of an estate has as much equal access to the estate as the administrator. If property or the estate needs to be divided, the parties will need to agree.

If you are admimister of an estate do you have to pay taxes on money that is left to you?

No. The estate is responsible for any estate taxes. However, if your bequest involves a substantial amount of money you should seek professional advice. The attorney who is handling the estate should be able to advise you. If you get paid a fee for your services as the Administrator, that fee is treated as income and should be claimed on your tax return.

Is becoming an administrator of a small estate where no will is found expensive?

It should not cost the administrator anything. The costs, which are fairly reasonable, are born by the estate. And the Administrator can charge for their services.

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I am the administrator of my fathers estate does my brother have equale power and percentage of estate?

Can heirs of mothers estate file ensolvency if there is already an administrator?

No. It is the responsibility of the administrator to notify the court if the estate is insolvent and provide all the supporting documentation.No. It is the responsibility of the administrator to notify the court if the estate is insolvent and provide all the supporting documentation.No. It is the responsibility of the administrator to notify the court if the estate is insolvent and provide all the supporting documentation.No. It is the responsibility of the administrator to notify the court if the estate is insolvent and provide all the supporting documentation.

How much does an estate administrator for his mothers estate make?

Most people do not charge for administering an immediate relatives estate. They can waive the fee and often do to avoid family squabbles. In some states the rate is proscribed in the probate laws. Consult a probate attorney in your jurisdiction for specifics.

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