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Q: How is a traditional organized crime family similar and different from a organized crime entity?
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How does a traditional organized crime family differ from a organized crime entity?

A traditional organized crime family is hierarchical, with individuals serving in the roles of leader, supervisors, or workers. The more modern organized crime groups sometimes have shared leadership. They might also involve a loose confederation of groups working together to commit crimes (Osterburg & Ward, 2007, p. 617). Reference: Osterburg, J. W., & Ward, R.H. (2007). Criminal investigation: A method for reconstructing the past (5th ed.). Newark, NJ: Matthew Bender & Company, Inc.

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the entity set departure which has only one attribute date is a weak entity set. this is because if each departure entity is distinct, different flights may have departure on same day, so different flights may share the same date valuebbye

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Briefly stated - that it is run along the same lines as a legitimate corporate entity, with a profit motive in mind.

Where can you find a list of campground developers?

Check with your state's Department of Natural Resources (or similar state entity).

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mandatory and optional

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Everyone of us is their own entity?

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What is session?

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