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Sexual Assault is a crime while Sexual Harassment is not. (That statement is false! My boss put perverted pictures of himself and videos on my work computer and I went to the police! That is a criminal offense even though he didn't touch touch me.)

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Sexual harassment is making offensive sexual comments, making unwelcome sexual advances, touching someone sexually against their will, threatening to fire/demote someone for not performing sexual favors for a boss, offering to promote someone if they will perform sexual favors for a boss.

Gender discrimination is refusing to promote someone or hire someone or paying someone less money FOR THE EXACT SAME JOB because of that person's gender. IT is only gender discrimination if the person COULD do the job as well as the current employees, but is not given the opportunity. (Example: Until recently, women could not serve on submarines in the US Navy.)

It is NOT gender discrimination that there are no women in the NFL because women would NOT have the same size/strength as a male football player...except maybe for the kicker and punter since players are NOT allowed to tackle those players.

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Sexual harassment can take many different forms, from physical to verbal and nonverbal conduct. Employers are legally required to take measures to address sexual harassment in the workplace, and employees should be aware of their rights. If you have experienced sexual harassment at work, you can contact Cummings & Franck, P. C. a professional sexual harassment lawyer in California, for the best legal advice.

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Shirley Pettifer has written: 'Sexual assault' 'L'agression sexuelle' -- subject(s): Viol, Crimes sexuels 'A book about sexual assault' -- subject(s): Viol, Rape 'A book about sexual assault' -- subject(s): Sexual harassment of women, Viol, Rape, Prevention 'L'Assaut sexuel' -- subject(s): Viol, Rape victims, Services for, Sexual harassment of women, Prevention, Rape, Sex offenders

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Because of sexual harassment and assault on the set of Martin.

Is sexual harassment ever criminal matter?

It is a civil issue, unless it involved assault or other criminal activity.

What was the sexual offense law in 1986 and how has it changed since then?

The question needs to be more specific as to state or federal statute(s) and the type of sexual offense, (rape, sexual batttery, aggravated sexual assault, sexual assault WUW, sexual harassment, etc); and did it pertain to minors (such as child molestation) or adults.

Who can be a victim of sexual harassment?

Anyone can be the victim of sexual harassment, and anyone can be the perpetrator. Harassment does not involve physical contact. Sex related physical contact would be sexual assault. Men can harass women and other men either by attempting to seduce or intimidate them into sexual behavior, or by humiliating them around anything sexual or sexually suggestive. Women can harass men and other women in the same ways.

What is the proper term for sexual harassment?

In most jurisdictions "Sexual Harassment" IS the legal term for unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment of a sexual nature. It differs from Sexual Assault in that it does not require physical contact. Note that the exact legal definition of sexual harassment varies by jurisdiction. Informally, the proper terms for people who engage in sexual harassment include: Jerk Creep Imbecile Cad Boor Heel Louse Cur Rotter Rat Worm ... and a whole lot of terms that are not used in polite company - but then again sexual harassers have already excluded themselves from the category of "polite company" by their actions.

What are the Army Sexual Harassment Assault Response Prevention training test answers?

Answers does not have access to test questions of any kind.

When was My Sexual Harassment created?

My Sexual Harassment was created in 1993.