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Q: How important is hair and fiber evidence to the major crime scene?
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Why is it important for your body to have fiber?

fiber provide free motion that is the major reason to need fibre

What is a crime scene investigator certification?

A crime scene investigator is someone who checks the scene for finger prints or evidence. It plays a major role in crime department. They gather proof and evidence to bring justice and find the person who did bad things.

Most cases involving the discovery of major felonies are initiated by?

Citizens calling the police to report the crime or a police patrol unit responding to evidence of a crime in progress.

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A crime scene investigator is someone who checks the scene for finger prints or evidence. It plays a major role in crime department. They gather proof and evidence to bring justice and find the person who did bad things.

What are the three major function to be executed at the crime of a scene?

Secure the crime scene to preserve evidence and prevent contamination. Document the scene through photography, sketching, and note-taking to record the location and condition of evidence. Collect physical evidence following proper procedures such as bagging and labeling to ensure preservation and chain of custody.

What are the 3 major crime scene functions?

The three major crime scene functions are documenting the scene through notes, sketches, and photographs, collecting physical evidence, and conducting a thorough search of the area for any relevant clues. These functions are crucial for preserving the integrity of the crime scene and aiding in the investigation.

What are the three major functions to be executed at the scene of a crime?

The three major functions to be executed at the scene of a crime are securing the scene to preserve evidence and prevent contamination, documenting the scene through photographs, sketches, and notes, and conducting a thorough search for evidence following proper protocols. These functions are crucial for a successful investigation and prosecution.

What is a major a major problem leading to a lot of crime?

Bad sentence structure leads to a lot of crime.

What are major crimes that involve controlled substances?

A major crime that involves a controlled substance is manufacturing of narcotics. Also the trafficking narcotics is a major crime.

What is another word for crime?

A felony is a major crime. A lesser crime is called a misdemeanor.

What are Germany's major food and fiber imports?

food good

How important is DNA in criminology?

DNA is crucial in criminology as it can be used to identify and link suspects to crime scenes with a high degree of accuracy. DNA evidence can help exonerate innocent individuals, convict the guilty, and provide valuable information to investigators. Its use has revolutionized the field of forensic science and has had a major impact on solving crimes.