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Q: How find out if there has been any law enforcement called to specific address?
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A search warrant is a court ordering allowing law enforcement officers to search a specific place for specific evidence or contraband.

Can ip address be traceable?

Your IP address can be traced back to your ISP. If law enforcement has a valid reason for needing to find you, the ISP can look at their logs, find out which subscriber was assigned the specific IP address at a specific time, and provide authorities with the subscriber's information. IPs can't be traced by private individuals any further than to the ISP which has been assigned the IP range.

Where do you register as a narcotics offender?

If you have been required to register - it would most likely be with the local law enforcement agency where you reside. It depends on your residence. There is a specific jurisdiction agency to register with based on your home address. Either the city police or the county sheriff.

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No, Twitter does not keep the number of accounts that they have suspended on a specific IP address.

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Clearly state to whom the authority has been given to use the billing address. Also state the reason authority has been given to use the billing address as well as a specific time frame during which authority has been granted.

When an attorney has knowledge that a crime has been committed against his or her client does he or she have a duty to report that crime to law enforcement?

As a "good citizen" is required to - they should bring their knowledge of a crime that has been committed to the attention of law enforcement. However - I suspect that there is more to this question than meets the eye. If it has something to do with your specific case, re-submit the question in more detail for a more complete answer.

Does the IRS automatically deduct back child-support from the obligors tax refund?

The IRS becomes involved once a case has been filed with the state child support enforcement agency.The IRS becomes involved once a case has been filed with the state child support enforcement agency.The IRS becomes involved once a case has been filed with the state child support enforcement agency.The IRS becomes involved once a case has been filed with the state child support enforcement agency.

Where was Pope Pius from?

There have been 12 popes named Pius so you need to be more specific. However, all the Popes named Pius have been from what today is called Italy. For more specific information I need a specific name.

Do you have the right to know your child's father's address?

This is something that should have been addressed in the court order.

Can you be a crime scene investigator with a felony sealed?

It depends on the specific requirements set by the law enforcement agency or organization. Some may have restrictions against hiring individuals with felony convictions, even if they have been sealed. It's best to check with the specific agency you are interested in working for.

When will your belongings be put outside of your apartment by law enforcement?

Law enforcement can place your belongings outside of your apartment during an eviction process after a court order has been issued. The exact timing can vary depending on local laws and the specific circumstances of the eviction. It is important to consult with a legal professional for guidance on eviction procedures in your area.

Who is Steven Foster?

There have been several notable people called by that name. You need to be more specific.