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It goes back to the 1970's when he was fighting Russia in Afghanistan. The US supported him, gave his fighters training and arms, and provided funds for his fight. He took what he learned in the 1970's and used it later in his fight against the west after Russia left Afghanistan.

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Q: How far back does the relationship between Osama bin laden and the US go?
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Are there pictures of Osama bin Laden dead?

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Why was the twin towers attacked?

The twin towers were attacked by commacozey pilots which were hired by Osama Bin Laden (people say) its optional to think. They say he did it to get back at America and to dive Americans out of the Mideast.

Why didn't Osama bin Laden bomb something else?

Osama Bin Laden attacked the World Trade Center to hurt the world finacially. He attacked the Pentago to hurt the USA military. He has bombed other places. Also United 93 probably would have crashed into the US Capital to kill all those senators and representatives, but, because of the passengers who fought back, it crashed into a field in Shanksville PA.

What are two possible motives for terrorist attacks?

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