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All the way to the first day you received your license.

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Q: How far back can the court look for a previous DUI charge in ma?
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How far back does the court look at disposition of property?

The question is somewhat unclear - BUT - it can look back as far as necessary to settle or answer the legal question being asked.

Is there a maximum allowable fee chargeable by a bankruptcy petition preparer in California?

Non-attorney preparers may not charge more than $150 for preparation of the documents. Attorneys may charge any fee, but must get court permission to charge more than a local rule of the court allows. This varies from court to court, and you do not say which federal district you are in, so you will have to go online to your court's website to get that information. Be sure to look under local rules.

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look for a download on the internet or try the previous versions tool in windows seven

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When a person is charged with assault, an employer can do a background check to look at a persons criminal past. The only way to get the charge off of your record, is to return to court and ask the judge if it can be expunged.

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test are standardized they look back up to 3 months (1.5" of hair ) only court orders go back farther

How far back in years can you take an embezzlement case to court?

Not knowing which State the crime happened in, look up that States Criminal Codes. They can usually be found on that States Supreme Court website.

If you get arrested for marijuana will they drug test you?

No , unless your state has a drug court and your charge is a drug charge .

How do you look at your previous chats on Facebook?

after a day or so your chats will automatically delete themselves the only way to look back is if you just said it. logged off, and about a few hours later it should still be on there. but you cant look at one that is a month old. :)

In the crucible why doesnt proctor want Mary to go back to court?

because he is paying her 9 pound a year to do chores!and to look after his wife!

Roommate just got his forth DUI and was in a collision What are the penalties?

Unfortuntally, after 3 DUI's, prison is more than likely the penalty. This is so because the court will look back on the previous DUI's and will more than likely sentence prison time. But there is always a chance that house arrest or just probation for a length of time could occur.

How can you find out a previous case in order to file an appeal?

Look at the charge for which you (or your client) were convicted. This will show the name of the statute and the number. When you go to that Statute in the case law, you will see other cases that established precedent, and you can "Shepardize" those.

Where to get a free mamogram?

Mammograms are part of the preventive package of your health insurance, so there is no charge. However, if they call you back for a second look, you can expect to pay for that.