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Q: How does the amendment process work inside of America?
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Which process is needed for chlorophyll to work?

Photosynthesis is the process needed for chlorophyll to work. Chlorophyll is a chemical inside a plant which gives plants their green color.

Is it illegal to start a petition to have a supervisor in my work place demoted?

It is NEVER illegal to petition in any case according to the first amendment of the Constitution of America.

Do you need to capitalize Amendment Process in a sentence?

No, unless it is a title of some written work.

Which group of me work for the classes of 19 amendment?

You can work on the united state constitution and proposal and ratification of the 19 amendment.

What was the cause of the 12th amendment?

The election process right off was clumsy and didn't work well. It began with the 1796 election and got worse by 1800, so in 1803 congress began to work out another method. This became the electoral college and in1804 the 12th amendment was passed.

Who takes over for the president if he is unable to work?

THe vice-president can temporarity or permanently assume the powers of the President. The 25th amendment gives the process for transferring the power and restoring it when appropriate.

Why is chlorophyll important in the process?

Photosynthesisis the process needed for chlorophyll to work. Chlorophyll is a chemical inside a plant which gives plants their green color.

How does 13 amendment effect us now?

if we didn't have this amendment we would probably be slaves and be forced to work

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When amphetamines are activated they release something called norepinephrine. It also speeds up the heart and the metabolic process. The metabolic process transforms food to things the body can use.

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The abnormal noice coming inside the engine when the fuel supply doesnt work properly . The process of combustion in which a suppersonic wave propagates.

What amendment gave women equal rights?

None. There is no US constitutional amendment that "gave" women the right to work. Conversely, there was never a provision that outlawed or precluded women from working.

The idea that government must work in accordance with the principles of the constitution?
